HOME ≫ Our Integrative Approach
Our Integrative Health model is a stepwise approach embracing the whole person. Although it is common to think risk factors and genetics are immutable contributors to dis-ease, we believe many of our genes do not have to express current or future disease. Your healthy lifestyle, nutrition and happiness factors could be a bypass avoiding dis-ease known to your ancestors. In other words, we believe genes express according to how well you take care of yourself including lifestyle, stress resilience and your nutrition. Our Integrative Health Model also highlights practices and nurturing elements that motivate health-promoting change.
Layer of Awareness
The most important is physical vitality which we believe requires an ongoing focus and practice of self-care. Practice of exercise and choosing a balanced, diverse, nutritious and preferably organic diet.
Layer of Awareness
Generous ability to forgive oneself for falling short of expectations, finding clarity, relaxing to rejuvenate.
Layer of Awareness
Self-honoring, taking time to enjoy life and creatively express.
Layer of Awareness
Easily recognize how you receive and give respect and know you are valued.
Layer of Awareness
A level of fulfillment and being on-course with life purpose.
Layer of Awareness
We know that those who live long and prosper can laugh at their own short-comings.
Call us at: (816) 384-0975 or send a message online now!
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